

Project Title: Swimming
CAS Strand Action
My Project is or will be Purposeful activity with a meaningful outcome.Personal challenge.

Thoughtful consideration (planning, reviewing, reporting)

Reflection on outcomes and personal learning

Project Timeline I will attend swim practice for High Point Central after school from 5:30 pm- 6:30 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I will also attend the meets that our team will go to that usually happen every 2 times a week and 2-3 last several hours each meet.
Learning Objectives LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

LO4: show commitment and perseverance

PURPOSE: What is the purpose of this activity? What are you expecting out of this? How do you expect to grow from this activity? How is this “meaningful” to you? The purpose of this activity is for me to stay active by doing a sport that I enjoy. I expect to stay committed to the sport, while also losing weight and staying fit and in shape. I will also try new events which will challenge me to do new things outside of my normal every day swim practice. Swimming is meaningful to me because I enjoy swimming and the shape it gets me in. I also enjoy it because of the friends I have that do it with me.
PERSONAL CHALLENGE: How is this activity outside the range of what you normally do? What personal goals have you set yourself (discuss your personal goals)? This activity is outside the range of what I normally do because I have never really swam competitively before my Sophomore year, but I told myself that if my brother Rob did it and if he can do it, I know for a fact I can too. My personal goals this year for swim are to make it to regional’s like I did last year (unexpectedly) and then this year to have a qualifying time to go to States.
PLANNING: What do you need in order to obtain this goal? In order to obtain my goal of going to regional’s and having a qualifying time for States, I must attend every practice and meet and do my absolute best both mentally and physically every day.



Junior Year

10/31/16 – Today marked the very first day of Junior Year swim practice. I was shocked not to see Paden, our previous years coach, standing there waiting to give us a hard time about being 1 minute late. Instead, I saw a new coach who teaches at Ferndale Middle introducing herself to all of the swim team kids. Once practice started, i very quickly realized just how out of shape I was and how much slower my times were compared to last years. However, I knew that this was just the first of many practices that I had to get back in shape and reach my goal.

11/21/16 – The season is going well and I am finally getting back into shape and the swing of things. The new coach is different, for lack of a better word, and I am not too sure if she knows how to manage us like Paden did. What I mean by this is Paden knew what would get us motivated and she knew how to talk to us to get us to improve or learn new things.  I hope that as the season goes on the new coach will lighten up and start to know us all personally, and what works for us individually.

12/17/16 – The Bob Sawyer swim meet was today at the GAC in Greensboro, and just like last year our team was one of the smallest that was there. However I reminded myself to go into it with a good attitude and to just do MY OWN personal best. This paid off because I set a new personal best time for myself in the 50 free, 25.4 seconds!

2/11/17 – Today was our last meet, Regionals, and I did awesome! I set another new PR in the 50 free at 24.9 seconds which is only 3 seconds from the NC state record for 4A which is 21.08 seconds!! Although thrilled about my new PR, I did not however make States because there was 8 other guys who made better times than I did. But, I am only a second year competitive swimmer and just 1 year ago I was struggling to even complete a 50 free in the meets… I am thrilled that I met one of my two goals this year and I really hope to at least have a qualifying States time next year.


senior year:


10/31/17- Today was our first day of varsity swim practice. I was glad to meet my new coach and be with my old and new teammates. Practice was extremely hard. But, it was the first practice so I know things will start to improve. I am excited for this season and to see myself and my team progress in a large way.

11/12/17- This season is going really well personally, but it has had some rough spots. We got a new coach but we still had one of our coaches from the past couple seasons. But, she is leaving so I am really sad about that, and I am sad to have change. But I am confident my new coach and the coach who will replace the one who is leaving will do a great job.

1217/17- Today we had the Bob Sawyer Meet at the Greensboro Aquatic Center. I was not exactly looking forward to swimming in this because there is approximately 30 teams from across the state that swim there. But, I ended up getting my best times in my 50 free and the 200 free relay. I am very proud of myself and teammates, and I am hoping this time will help us make it to regionals.

1/18/18- Tonight we had our last home meet and it was senior night. It was emotional for me to realize that it was my last time swimming in our home pool as Bison. But, as far as swimming went, I did decent. I didnt do my best but not my worst. I have conference meet either next week or the next, depending on the exam schedules for school.

2/11/18- Today we had regionals, our last swim meet. It was sad to be finished but I’m glad to finally have it all behind me.


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